Circumstantial Evidence

Lo que sigue es una de las canciones del recopilatorio de aquí al lado. No he conseguido averiguar el autor de la canción ni nadie más que la cante. Si alguien sabe algo, que lo diga. Falta el final de la letra que es un festival de rugidos y frases de Jerry Lee diciendo su nombre. Lo de siempre, siempre bien hecho ¡y cómo nos gusta!
Por cierto, Jerry Lee Llewis acaba de sacar nuevo disco. Muy recomendable.
Circumstantial Evidence.
She found someone else's sweater someone else’s underwear.
Didn’t even ask me if someone else was there.
I knew I was in trouble. No one came to my defense.
You can say that baby got me circumstantial evidence.
Evidence, evidence.
You can say that baby got me circumstantial evidence.
Evidence, Evidence.
Yes baby sure got me circumstantial evidence.
She went back home to her mother, back home to her friends.
Her lawyer called and told me "She ain’t coming back again."
Cause of someone else’s sweater, someone else’s underpants.
All the lady needed was circumstantial evidence.
Evidence, evidence. Uuh, circumstantial evidence.
Well with the good Lord as my witness, on the Bible I will swear
My alibi is perfect, now I've only told despair.
Even though she found me guilty on greedy of offense
I will take the bed and call it circumstantial evidence.
I’ve been watching Perry Mason long enough to know
There’s no way to convict the killer, so darling come on home.
I know I’ve been a little stupid baby, But the killer ain’t dense.
I promise baby there’ll be no more circumstantial evidence
Evidence, evidence. Yes, evidence.
I promise baby there’ll be no more circumstantial evidence.
Evidence, evidence. Yes, evidence.
Oh, Jerry Lee promises there’ll be no more circumstantial evidence.